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3) The Players:

3) The Players:

It would be unfair if I don’t write about the players while I’ve lauded the game and it’s bosses. Football is a very challenging game. It requires a lot of stamina both mental and physical. If you look at the fitness levels of football players in comparison to cricket players, footballers would score an average of 9 on 10 while cricket players come at a meagre 5 on 10.

These are not individual comparisons, look at it as a collective set because if we get down to comparing individual fitness levels, Inzamam would score a -10 on a scale of 0 to 10. The amount of effort that footballers put into the game is no way in comparison to what cricketers give in. Football expects every player on field and off field to be on their toes throughout the match while with cricket, it’s just a few hours of being on field waiting for the ball to come to you. While I remember mentioning that football is all about teamwork, it also is about the individual effort.

Every individual has to contribute here while with cricket if one player fails to contribute, the others can still help the team win the match.

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4) The Miscellaneous Reasons:

To play football, all you need is a football and a field. Whereas with cricket, you need a ton load of stuff varying from bats, balls, stumps, pads, gloves and the list is never-ending. Football being a timed sport gets over in 90 minutes, add to it a few additional minutes of the penalty shootout if required. Cricket lasts from anywhere between 5 hours to 5 days.

And not to forget the most important aspect, the fans. Have you ever seen football stadiums empty in any of the international matches? Well, you can see cricket stadiums empty when international teams play. Football wins hands down irrespective of the weather and field conditions. Be it rain or sunshine, you get out on the field and you play. Be it the muddy beach or the grassy fields, you can play it anywhere.

Cricket on the other side can be played only under suitable weather conditions, a well curated pitch and most importantly, if you lose a match you get to blame it on the pitch curator or the weather conditions. With football like I said, you’re all in or nothing, win or lose you are solely responsible for your goof-ups.

So inarguably, Football, the best game ever, is much much better than cricket in all aspects. ‘Nuff said! 

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