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The Wonders of Modern


The Wonders of Modern Science Essay

Wonders of Modern Science Essay: We live in an age of science. The present civilization is the presence of modern science. So the modern world cannot go even for a day without science.

Electricity is the first wonder of science. Science has conquered the forces of nature and brought them to the services of mankind. We can’t think of a modern civilization without electricity. It enlightens our houses and streets. Mills and factories cannot work without electricity. In fact, most of the inventions and discoveries of science work through the power of electricity.

We cannot live comfortably without the help of electricity. The telephone, the Telegraph and the wireless are also the wonderful inventions of science. They send our messages to distant places in the twinkling of an eye. Television, Radio, cinema are the wonders of science. We can hear the news of the whole world through the radio set. Both radio and television are good entertainments.

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The invention of the printing press has helped us acquire knowledge and education. In television, we not only hear the voice of the speaker but also see the motion picture from any part of the world just at the same time.

The modern transport system is a gift of science. Rockets and radars can move faster than sound and help us conquer that space. It has released nuclear energy. Now, this energy is used not only for manufacturing atom bomb but also for doing well to human beings.

Science has done a miracle in the field of medicine by inventing X-ray, radium, penicillin, vaccines, antibiotics, chloroform, ultra-violet ray, etc. The computer is the newest invention of science. It has become a part of every walk of life. The most significant inventions of science are the mobile phone and the Internet.

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