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3. They scent mark their territory

 3. They scent mark their territory 

ginger cat rubbing its face on a bookcase

Territory and personal space is very important to both tigers and domestic cats. They will mark their territory by spraying, rubbing their facial scent markers on objects and scratching around the area to warn off other cats. For help on how to stop your cat scratching in the home, visit

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4. They prefer to live on their own 

The only members of the Felidae family that frequently establishes social groups of ‘families’ are lions. Other felines usually prefer to live alone, typically only coming together to mate. This is because they are highly territorial. As a result of being solitary, they have fewer refined facial muscles for communication, compared to social species like dogs.

5. They like boxes 

With many zoos becoming more focused on improving animal welfare, the use of enrichment has become a normal part of the animals’ daily routine. This has shown us how, just like our domestic cats, tigers love a good box too! It’s important to provide your cat with plenty of enrichment at home, to make sure they don’t get bored. Watch our video for ideas.

tiger standing on a log in the jungle

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